Bedbugs are a rising problem throughout the UK, especially in heavily populated cities like London. They spread easily to non-infested properties by latching onto unwitting hosts.
With thousands of hotels and shared accommodation located all over London, they are able to spread extremely quickly and can quickly overrun a home. Our bed bug pest control services are one of London’s leaders in bedbug treatment, specialising in heat and chemical techniques to rid your home of infestations as quickly and easily as possible.
Indicator of an Infestation
The insects may be very difficult to find, but infestations are typically concentrated on or around bedding or upholstered furniture, and clusters of the insects, their eggs and immature stages may be found on seams of mattresses, Bed Bases and in folds of upholstered furniture.
The pattern of bites is another means of confirming that the infestation is indeed that of bedbugs. Though bedbug bites can occur singly, they often follow a familiar pattern of a linear group of three bites, sometimes macabrely referred to as “breakfast, lunch and dinner”. These patterns of bites are caused when a bedbug is disturbed in feeding by a person moving, and then the bedbug resumes feeding. If you’ve experienced any of this, it’s time to contact our Bed Bug Pest Control specialists in London.
Bedbug bites also very often occur in lines marking the paths of blood vessels running close to the surface of the skin. The effect of these bites on humans varies, but often cause swelling that are itchy and longer-lasting than mosquito bites. Some people, however, have little or no reaction to bedbug bites. Those whose bodies do not initially react may subsequently develop symptoms, however, due to an allergic reaction caused by the development of antigen. Bedbugs never crawl under one’s skin and markings implying this may be signs of other skin infections or a severe allergic reaction to bedbug bites.
How We Get Rid of Bed Bugs
1.Inspection: We will dispatch a pest exterminator to your location, to thoroughly examine the premises for any traces of bed bugs. He will manage to evaluate the situation and mark areas for treatment. Once the inspection is complete, he will know exactly what bed bug removal method to implement for a fast and very effective service;
2.Treatment: Your pest exterminator will apply powerful (and safe) bed bug control products to treat the infested spots. He will utilise insecticides that are not available at your local store – which has a strong residual effect that will protect your home for long;
3.Prevention: Once the bed bug removal is successfully complete, your pest technician will advise you how to avoid bed bugs in the future. For a successful bed bug control, we recommend scheduling a full treatment which will manage to eliminate the entire insect population.
Our bed bug pest control treatment (including bed bug fumigation) requires considerable experience and training. The National Health Service warn that bed bug removal from your home may be extremely difficult and therefore recommends carefully checking the credentials of any London bed bug treatment company that you contact.
For a quotation, free survey or if you simply need some advice, please contact Cityspec on 020 8687 4206. Or complete our online form for a Instant Response to your enquiry.
How Do we Work?
What We Do For You
- Look for signs of any bed bugs activity currently at the premises;
- Give advice on the best course of treatment;
- Provide recommendations to help you maintain a bed bug-free environment;
- Point out risk factors contributing to a bed bug problem;
- For contracts with commercial clients our technician will be able to advise you of the most appropriate integrated pest management program for your organisation, along with the number of scheduled visits appropriate to create and maintain a pest-free environment.

I’ve got bed bugs – what should I do?
Is there anything I can do myself?
What are Home Remedies for Bed Bugs?
How to Tell the Difference Between Hives and Bed Bug Bites?
We work closely with businesses across all industries.
Cityspec have always proven to be very reliable and give great practical advice whenever needed. They are one of our trusted suppliers and we are very happy with the service they provide.